Meet & greet at the "Alles für den Gast" trade fair

Network with decision-makers from your industry and discover innovations from the catering and hotel sectors!

All under one roof: "Alles für den Gast" recently brought together 680 exhibitors and 35,451 visitors from all over the world. This makes Salzburg’s ‘Gastmesse’ fair the leading industry trade show in the Alpine region! Join the industry get-together and network with the most important multipliers from the catering, hotel and food segments. Find out about the latest trends, get to know exciting new products and establish potentially lucrative business relationships for future!

Highlights 2024

Gastro Circle Bühne der "Alles für den Gast" 2024
Gastro Circle Bühne
The Gastro Circle stage is back to enable visitors to enjoy a varied programme of lectures, discussions and presentations on the most pressing topics in the industry.
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Visit the new expertise area and see how around 25 brands and companies can individually optimise your commercial kitchen!
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The beverage industry is in the spotlight. Be here when around 30 brands from the spirits, non-alcoholic drinks, beer, wine and coffee sectors are showcased in the new world of beverages. Informative talks, tasting sessions and professional masterclasses included!
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More networking, pitching and celebrations! This year we are once again particularly looking forward to celebrating the exciting start-up scene at "Alles für den Gast" with a large booth enabling young companies to present their innovations.
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Tourism Technology Festival
The Tourism Technology Festival! Little sleep, but lots of fun and creative work. In just 24 hours, participants meet gastro-industry challenges and present their results to the industry public at this trade fair.
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Organics are booming. This topic has arrived in the food retail sector, and also in the catering and hotel industries. BIOWELT is the opportunity for interested trade visitors to encounter the most exciting organic brands and find out what’s possible with organic foods and beverages.
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E-Mobility Welt
The rapid development of e-mobility is not only changing the transport sector, it’s also having a significant impact on the hotel and catering sector. The newly created E-Mobility World is an important step in preparing the tourism industry for the challenges and opportunities of electromobility.
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Award: TOP50 Hoteliers Österreich
The Schlummer Atlas Award honours the best 50 hoteliers in Austria. The award ceremony will take place during the fair on the Gastro Circle stage in Hall 3/5 on Monday, November 11 at 2pm.
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Compote Complot 2024: the new patisserie competition
The "Compote Complot" is the new premium competition for pastry chefs and patissiers, organised by KALK&KEGEL in collaboration with Confis Express and "Alles für den Gast". The focus is on quality, creativity and sustainability in patisserie. The competition will take place in the salzburgarena from November 9 to 11, 2024.
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